Monday, February 16, 2015

Inner Kid Connection: New Feature

A recent discussion in our chat box has led me to reach the conclusion that we're not talking enough about inner kids. Because we try to be a LSRPG (legit serious role playing group), we think this is pretty typical: Who spends a lot of time on their group talking about characters, after all? On Birchwood Isle, our "characters" are our inner kids (and sometimes inner adults) and therefore they don't get a lot of mention either on our forum or on our blog. 

We believe that it's time to change that, for two reasons:

The first reason is that most of the traffic to our forum comes from this blog, and people are finding this blog by searching Google for "Family Discipline Role Play" (presumably among others, but those guests and members we've spoken to tell us that this is their search term, and Birchwood Isle ranks high for it. In theory, if we talk more about inner kids we will do more to gain traffic for this search term. While we are a legit serious role playing group, we are also dedicated to building relationships for our inner people of all ages, and we would like to illustrate this to people. This illustration is impossible if people can't find us for the right reasons, so the goal at this point is to help others to find Birchwood Isle.

The second reason is that the structure of our site is rigid and many people feel that it's stifling. We've created it the way that we have because after extensive play testing and frequent abandonment by parents to our own inner kids, we wanted to do all we could to protect the inner children at Birchwood Isle from predators (or those exhibiting predatory behavior) and to make sure that any adoptions are "sticky" (meaning that they don't fall through the moment the figurative paperwork is signed).

If you don't like our structure (which we're expanding right now to illustrate for guests who and what we really are), that's fine: Birchwood Isle might not be for you. We do what we do for a good reason, and we hope that the right people (those whose inner kids need a solid, structured, environment that is as real as they are, and who are able to write extensive posts) can find us and will join our ranks.

In the meantime, this new series, published every Monday, is intended to help those who might fit with us to find us. So bring us your inner kids! They are welcome here!

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